
Complex pharmaceutical modeling – made easy.

EstiDATA Cost-of-Goods software provides cost estimation and financial
modeling for complex pharmaceutical compounds and products. EstiDATA
allows users to determine cost scenarios from processes, taking into
consideration such variables as different facilities, material prices, and supply sources.

The only software suite dedicated to CMC data management.
Save time, money, and effort.

EstiDATA API Synthesis

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EstiDATA API Synthesis

EstiDATA™ Bio is an easy-to-use software tool that helps a biologist create a powerful yet clearly understandable economics model from their day-to-day process information. The Bio module helps the developers and producers of large molecules answer tough questions:

  • Which contractor proposal is really the best one?
  • Is the lowest price consistent with our expectations?
  • Is that low-bid contractor more cost efficient or did they forget to include something?
  • What is the cost impact if operations or materials change?
  • For example, if we use this very expensive Protein A and get a 5% increase in efficiency, is the process change worth pursuing?
  • What will it cost to make commercial product if we scale up this process?
  • Would minor improvements make the process much less costly?
  • Before it is too late to change, should we seek a better process and which alternative is the most promising?
  • Should we make or should we buy?
  • What would it cost to make the product and how much capacity would it take?
  • What price should be expected if we bought the product?
  • What would it cost us to make in a new facility?

“The beauty of EstiDATA is that it is accessible to scientists and that it does all the hard parts for them. It’s simple, it’s sleek, and it’s going to help them do their job.”
– A biologist at a leading biotechnology company


EstiDATA Drug Product

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EstiDATA Drug Product

The obvious logical next step in cost analysis is to support drug product estimates. Determining the cost of drug products has never been more critical and complicated. EstiDATA makes it simple.

  • Traceability in the process step into the process helps lay out the plan for formulation
  • Taking into, component and equipment cost help make the complex calculation more effective and simple to determine
  • With packaging added to the module, the cost of driving to commercialization is more efficient

“With EstiDATA Drug product and Drug Substance in place, my should cost analysis spans the development lifecycle.”


EstiDATA Biologics

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EstiDATA Bio

Rondaxe originally developed EstiDATA Synthetics as a tool of our consulting practice and now offers a much-refined version as a product.

  • Costs of common materials and typical facility expenses are provided in
    “Price Advice” library saves time
  • Establish a consistent basis for comparison among the several options in route, scale, siting, and materials sourcing
  • Only critical data calculated to allow you to successfully navigate with fast results

“I found the Rondaxe Cost of goods system extremely useful and valuable in improving the accuracy and speed of our costing analysis. Projects that one took a week or so to cost now take hours, even minutes. It makes what-if comparisons a breeze!”


Key Features

  • Create and maintain data on multiple projects
  • Link to legacy document management systems
  • Manage library of internal and external document links
  • Manage bill of materials (BOM) data
  • Manage custom library of materials and associated price lists
  • Manage custom library of facility costs
  • Import materials with prices and facility costs from proprietary Price Advice Library™
  • Manage custom vendors libraries
  • Build worksheets to calculate processing costs Visual diagrams for processes that automatically show calculations
  • Visual diagrams for synthetic routes that automatically show calculations
  • Visual diagrams for scenarios representing a complete cost model
  • Create snapshots of scenarios preserving data at chosen time
  • Many built in reports to visualize cost model data
Technology Transfer Services (Techtransfer)

The process begins with entering specific data for materials and prices, facility costs, process information, batch data and processes, followed by creating worksheet calculations and scenario building. Then, users can derive cost ladders and sensitivity analyses that aid greatly in understanding change impacts and determining the key cost drivers of your specific manufacturing process.

Included with the software is our extensive Price Advice Library™, which is regularly updated with reagent, solvent, excipient, packaging component and process consumable costs, facility overheads, labor prices, and waste disposal fees that enhance determining the cost of manufacturing.

Who Benefits

EstiDATA provides streamlined route selection

  • Optimizes by automatically considering thousands of scenarios
  • Determines which scenarios are most viable and accurate
  • Cost percentages are laid out step by step
  • Allows users to see corresponding costs for each part of the manufacturing process
  • Provides a centralized data access point that improves efficiency by simplifying organization
  • Creates a standardized, company-wide collaboration system

These highly valuable functions are made possible by the [Re]source™ extensive library of materials and facilities combined with an intuitive user experience.

EstiDATA improves staff efficiency by creating a common platform

  • Simplifies the organization of disparate information silos
  • Helps managers quickly evaluate cost drivers such as site of operations, vendors, etc.
  • Scales scenarios for determining commercial viability, and accurate “Make vs. Buy/Sell” assessments

EstiDATA also shortens project timelines by eliminating cost-restrictive alternatives, and serves as a valuable resource in negotiating pricing with relevant suppliers and vendors.

EstiDATA represents an unrivaled negotiating tool

  • Provides a truly comprehensive and accurate analysis of all costs associated with manufacturing your specific product
  • Helps executives determine whether a product should, for example, be manufactured in-house, outsourced to a CMO or sold outright

In short, EstiDATA gives pharma executives the confidence to make mission-critical decisions both accurately and expeditiously.

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